Pre-order Chained Birds Hardback and Paperback version from ThriftBooks, BooksAMillion, Walmart, and Barnes & Nobel. Pre-order the eBook and Audiobook from Amazon. All four editions will be available from Amazon on pub day 11-12-24.

All print and digital editions of Chained Birds are available for pre-order … but not all in one place! The e-Book and audiobook can be pre-ordered onΒ Amazon for instant delivery to devices on the 11/12/24 publication day! (And the eBook will remain on sale at $2.99 until launch day, when the price will go up!)

Chained Birds eBook and audibook are available to pre-order now at AmazonBut I know most of you like to hold a physical book in your hands, and print copies of both the hardcover and paperback can be pre-ordered at a number of retailers, to be shipped out on 11/12/24. You can also get a pub day alert to buy any edition of Chained Birds by signing up for my newsletter.Β  (Both print editions will join the digital versions for sale on Amazon on launch day.)

How to pre-order your physical copy of Chained Birds

  1. **ThriftBooks has hardcover copies for pre-order and paperback copies for pre-order (separate pages)
  2. Barnes & Nobel has hardcover and paperback editions for pre-order
  3. Books*a*Million has hardcover and paperback editions for pre-order
  4. Walmart has hardcover copies for pre-order

**As of 10/28/24 ThriftBooks had the lowest print copy prices of any retailer I could find β€” a 20% discount 😊

And here’s my first spoiler announcement about the audiobook … it’s author-narrated! That’s right β€” I spent a week and a day in a Philadelphia recording studio with a sound engineer/coach, who guided me through the exhausting yet exhilarating process. I’ll be writing more about that experience in an upcoming post πŸ™‚

Pre-order Chained Birds Hardback and Paperback version from ThriftBooks, BooksAMillion, Walmart, and Barnes & Nobel.

Carla Conti - True Crime Journalist, Storyteller, Prison Reform Advocate

Carla Conti is a true crime journalist, storyteller, and prison reform advocate. Her debut book, Chained Birds: A True Crime Memoir, will be published by WildBlue Press on November 12, 2024.